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Summer storage


At the end of the season, or in those cases where the toboggan will not be used for long periods, the following is recommended:




We recommend not leaving the rippers at the end of the run. To this end, we suggest withdrawing them completely inside the hull, then giving the stick a light braking blow so that the rippers protrude a few millimeters from the hull.

The above is useful in order not to leave the limit switch inside the electromechanical actuator stressed for a long time.




For safe storage we recommend following the following instructions:


To ensure that your batteries last as long as possible, and to prevent damage from overcharging or fire, the following precautions should be observed when storing lithium-ion batteries:


  1. Choose a cool, dry storage place
    Remove the battery from the device and store it at temperatures between 6 and 20 degrees centigrade. Various storage locations can be used, provided they are dry environments.
    The same goes for contact with water. In fact, if the lithium contained in the batteries comes into contact with water, the heat generated by the chemical reaction can cause fires. 

  2. Protection against mechanical damage
    During storage it is necessary to ensure that there is adequate protection against internal and external short circuits. It is also necessary to ensure that the battery is protected from impacts and mechanical damage.

  3. Avoid high temperatures
    Avoid storing the battery where it can develop sudden or prolonged high temperatures. Batteries must also be protected from direct sunlight.
    • If automatic fire extinguishing systems are not installed in the storage rooms, the battery must be stored at least 2.5 meters away from other stored flammable goods.
    • Damaged or defective batteries must be stored in the designated placessafety containers. Until you dispose of them, you should store them in a separate area.

  4. Store the battery at half charge
    Do not store the battery when it is empty, but rather when it has a capacity of 50 to 70%. This prevents deep discharge, which can have a negative impact on performance, shorten the lifespan or even impair the functioning of the lithium battery.

  5. Check the charging status regularly
    The state of charge should be checked at regular intervals, especially if lithium-ion batteries are stored for a long period of time. A quick charge every 3 or 4 months can be useful to protect the battery from a complete discharge.

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