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Emergency Call Project

Writer: info206979info206979

And' the Emergency Call project was officially born: strongly supported by Emilio Moras, owner of Safelab Srl, it aims to optimize the rescue service carried out in the ski areas.

The aim is to reduce to zero the time that can elapse between the moment the accident occurs and the communication to the emergency services by the injured person or by whoever assists him at that moment.

At practically "zero" cost it does not replace any other method used in the station but rather improves it, giving the user the opportunity to contact the rescuers in real time.

The advantages are notable:

  1. precise and real-time communication of the location of the accident

  2. immediate possibility for the rescuer to assess the severity of the incident by being able to come into contact, including audiovisual, with the injured person

  3. in the event of multiple calls at the same time, the possibility for staff to carry out an effective "triage" deciding the timing of intervention accordingly

  4. reduction to zero of movements of wrong personnel and vehicles in wrong places

  5. the image transmitted by the Station improves in the eyes of users who are increasingly attentive to the services and quality of the same offered

  6. minutes or seconds gained, which in some cases can make an important difference...

Here is a summary of the advantages of this method which, we repeat, is not intended to replace any other system and above all is not expensive!

Good work everyone.

Emilio Moras

Safelab Srl

Graphic representation of the display to be positioned in places where the public is present



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